Universal Credit is a means tested benefit replacing the earlier means tested benefits (Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance, Tax Credits, Housing Benefits and Income Support). Everyone of working age will eventually be transferred onto this benefit.
It is important to seek advice before choosing to transfer to this benefit. Once you have made a claim for Universal Credit, you will not be able to go back onto the old style benefits.
Universal Credit should be claimed online. For more information Visit www.gov.uk/universal-credit
If you are unable to manage an online claim, Telephone the DWP Universal Credit helpline 0800 3289344
The amount you receive depends on your individual circumstances and you will be asked for details of your income, savings, housing costs and who is living in the property with you.
If you are claiming Universal Credit due to ill health or disability, you will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire setting out how your illness or disability affects you. We recommend that you seek experienced help to complete the medical questionnaire.
You can contact us for help with completing these forms if you are physically disabled and live in Peterborough, Telephone 01733 265551
This assessment may be repeated periodically while the benefit is in payment.
Universal credit may also include your rent. The benefit will be paid to you monthly and it will be your responsibility to pay your housing costs from the benefit to your landlord. If you cannot manage your rent payments, or have difficulty managing monthly payments, speak to your Universal Credit advisor and explain your difficulties.
Universal Credit is paid in arrears (you can request an advance payment if you are unable to manage until your first payment is due). Any payment made as an advance will be deducted from future payments.
Social Fund