Income Related Benefits

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Universal Credit

  • Universal Credit

    Universal Credit is a means tested benefit replacing the earlier means tested benefits (Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance, Tax Credits, Housing Benefits and Income Support). Everyone of working age will eventually be transferred onto this benefit.

    It is important to seek advice before choosing to transfer to this benefit. Once you have made a claim for Universal Credit, you will not be able to go back onto the old style benefits.

    Universal Credit should be claimed online. For more information Visit

    If you are unable to manage an online claim, Telephone the DWP Universal Credit helpline 0800 3289344

    The amount you receive depends on your individual circumstances and you will be asked for details of your income, savings, housing costs and who is living in the property with you.

    If you are claiming Universal Credit due to ill health or disability, you will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire setting out how your illness or disability affects you. We recommend that you seek experienced help to complete the medical questionnaire.

    You can contact us for help with completing these forms if you are physically disabled and live in Peterborough, Telephone 01733 265551

    This assessment may be repeated periodically while the benefit is in payment.

    Universal credit may also include your rent. The benefit will be paid to you monthly and it will be your responsibility to pay your housing costs from the benefit to your landlord. If you cannot manage your rent payments, or have difficulty managing monthly payments, speak to your Universal Credit advisor and explain your difficulties.

    Universal Credit is paid in arrears (you can request an advance payment if you are unable to manage until your first payment is due). Any payment made as an advance will be deducted from future payments.

Income Support

  • Income Support

    This is an income based top up benefit for existing customers only. No new claims can be made for this benefit. If you are in receipt of Income Support and your circumstances change, you must notify the office paying your benefit to report the change. All new income based claims are now dealt with through Universal Credit.

    The Telephone number for existing claims is 0800 169 0310, or Visit

Job Seeker’s Allowance – Existing and New Style

  • Job Seeker's Allowance- Existing And New Style

    Job Seeker’s Allowance is only being paid on existing claims or to those who are considered to be “frontier workers”. A frontier worker is someone who lives outside the UK but works in the UK in specific circumstances– please seek advice.

    Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) is paid to people who are unemployed or working less than 16 hours work and who are seeking work. A partner can be included on an income based JSA claim. The benefit is means tested and you will be expected to meet work-related conditions whereby you are available for work, actively seeking work and have a current claimant commitment with DWP.

  • Jobseekers Allowance New style

    This can be paid to a job seeker for up to 6 months. It is a flat rate benefit and is not means tested. You must have paid National Insurance contributions over a number of years to qualify for payment.

    You will be expected to meet work-related conditions whereby you are available for work, actively seeking work and have a current claimant commitment with DWP. You cannot apply if you are in full time education.

    For more information Visit If you cannot apply online, you can make your claim by calling Jobcentre Plus on 0800 0556688, or Textphone 0800 0234888

    If you do not have sufficient National Insurance contributions, or are looking to claim income based top ups to include housing costs, or to provide for a partner or dependent children, you may be able to claim Universal Credit.

Statutory Sick Pay

  • Statutory Sick Pay

    If you are employed and are off work through sickness, you will get Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) from your employer. You do not have to have paid National Insurance contributions but you cannot get statutory sick pay if your gross earnings are less than £97 a week. The amount of savings you have does not affect your SSP. It is paid by your employer (you may be entitled to a greater amount of sick pay under the terms of your employment contract). The age limit for claiming SSP is state pension age.

    SSP can be paid for a maximum of 28 weeks. If you are still incapable of work after this time, you will have to switch to another benefit such as New Style Employment Support Allowance. As of April 2021, statutory sick pay is paid at a flat rate of £96.35 per week.

    For more information see the disability rights handbook.

    You may be able to claim universal credit to top up any statutory sick pay.

Pension Credit

  • Pension Credit

    You may be able to get Pension Credit if you are of State Pension age. Pension Credit is a means tested benefit.

    If you are a couple looking to make a new claim for Pension Credit then both of you must be over pension age. Pension Credit comprises of a Guarantee Credit and can include an extra element called the Savings Credit.

    Your income is taken into consideration when calculating your eligibility for the Pension Credit. Only certain types of income are counted such as basic state pension, personal/occupational pension, certain benefits such as carer’s allowance and earnings from a job. Income from Housing benefit or Disability benefits (Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment) are ignored. Your savings will also be taken into consideration when you apply for pension credit but there is no automatic cut-off point.

    It is still worth claiming your entitlement for the Pension Credit, even if you think it is likely to be a fairly insignificant amount because it can help you claim for various other benefits. Additionally, you may qualify for a greater amount if you are a carer or have disabilities.

    We can carry out a benefits check for you.

    Alternatively, contact Pension Credit directly. Telephone 0800 991234 (for New claims), or 0800 7310469 (General enquiry line), or Visit Disability Rights website for more information

Retirement Pension

War Pensions

  • War Pensions

    There are two different war pension schemes in operation. The old scheme applies where someone has an injury, illness or death caused whilst in the armed forces before 6 April 2005. If you want to find out about the old war pensions scheme, see Disability Rights UK’s Disability Rights Handbook 35th Edition, which was published May 2010.

    The new Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) replaces the old war pensions scheme for injuries, illnesses or death caused whilst in the armed forces, on or after 6 April 2005. For more information, contact the Veterans Helpline by Telephone 0808 1914 2 18, or Visit

Child Benefit

  • Child Benefit

    Child Benefit is extra income for families with children. Child benefit can continue up to the child’s 20th birthday, as long as they are in full-time, non-advanced education. There are income limits which can affect the amount of Child Benefit that is paid to you. Visit

Maternity Allowance/Grant

  • Maternity Allowance/Grant

    Maternity Allowance can be paid to you if you do not qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay from your employer. The maximum you can receive is £151.97 per week or 90% of your average weekly earnings (whichever is less).

    To make a claim you need to complete form MA1 which is available online to download or print. Alternatively you can obtain a claim form by calling Jobcentre Plus on 0800 556688, or by Textphone 08000234888

    Sure start Maternity Grant

    You could get a one-off payment of £500 to help towards the costs of having a child. This is known as a Sure Start Maternity Grant. Visit, or Telephone 0800 1690140 for a claim pack.

Social Fund

Bereavement Benefits

  • Bereavement Benefits

    Bereavement benefits are benefits and allowances that you can claim when someone dies. Bereavement Support Allowance was introduced for people who were widowed or if their civil partner died on or after 6/4/2017. Visit, or Telephone the Bereavement Service Helpline 0800 7310469

    The bereavement support payment is treated as savings and ignored for a period of 52 weeks from the date of payment. The bereavement support payment monthly installments are ignored as income for other benefits.

    If you are widowed it is advisable for you to have a full benefits check to make sure that you receive the correct benefit.

    Widows parent’s allowance remains in place for existing claims for people who were widowed before 6/4/2017. For women widowed before 9/4/2001 widow’s pension may still be paid.

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