Money and Benefits

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01733 265551

National Health Benefits

Council Tax Support

  • Council Tax Support

    Council Tax Support is an income based scheme that can help with the cost of your council tax bill, whether you rent or own your home, or live rent-free. The council tax bill must be in the name of either you or your partner.

    Anyone on a low income who pays council tax may be entitled to help. The council will look at the income and savings that you and your household have to decide what help you can get. They will also look at your other circumstances such as your age and who lives with you.

    If you get the Council Tax Support, it will not affect the amount of money you receive in other benefits. Telephone 01733 452241, or Visit

    An income based Council Tax Support claim can be made in conjunction with any other Council Tax discount scheme.

  • Council Tax Disability Reduction Scheme

    There is no financial test to this reduction. You can get the disability reduction on your council tax bill if you, or anyone else living in your home, is “substantially and permanently disabled” and needs extra space or has adaptations in your home because of this.
    Your home must contain either:

    • A room other than a bathroom, kitchen or lavatory used predominantly to meet the needs of a disabled person
    • An additional kitchen or bathroom for the use of a disabled person
    • Extra space inside the property so that a wheelchair can be used

    A discount under this scheme can be made in conjunction with any income based council tax support claim.

    You should claim a reduction if you think you are entitled by contacting the Peterborough City Council Online, or by Telephone 01733 747474

  • Council Tax Single Persons Discount

    You can receive a 25% reduction to your council tax if you live alone. There is no financial test to this reduction and it can be claimed in addition to income based council tax support. Telephone 01733 747474, or Visit

  • Council Tax Reduction For Carers

    A carer can be ignored for council tax and therefore allow the remaining adult in the property to receive a 25% discount as if they were living alone. The carer cannot be the partner or parent and must live in the same property as the person they care for. It can be claimed in addition to any income-based council tax support. Telephone 01733 747474, or Visit

  • Council Tax Reduction For Severe Mental Impairment

    This can apply to anyone who has a permanent and severe level of impairment in intelligence, affecting their ability to manage everyday activities. It is not means tested. The exemption can be claimed in addition to any income based council tax support. Complete the application Online, or Telephone 01733 747474 for an application form.

Tax Credits

  • Tax Credits

    Child Tax Credits/Working Tax Credits are an income based allowance to support people on a low income. It is being replaced by the Universal Credits scheme and is not available to new clients.

    You must notify the HMRC office paying your benefit to report any change in circumstances. For more information Visit

  • Child Tax Credit

    You may receive Child Tax Credit if you or your partner has a dependent child or young person and you have a low enough income. Partner means that you are either married, have a civil partner or are living with someone as part of a couple. You do not have to be working to receive Child Tax Credit. Telephone 0845 3003900

  • Working Tax Credit

    You can claim Working Tax Credit if you are working (or will be starting work within 7 days of claiming Working Tax Credit), on a low enough income, and are working and have a physical or mental disability which puts you at a disadvantage in getting a job. Telephone 0845 3003900

  • Tax Allowances

    Anyone who is registered as blind with their local authority will automatically qualify for blind person’s allowance. You will need to make a claim for the allowance, (£1,800 for 2008/09), either by completing the relevant box on your tax return or repayment claim, or by contacting your tax office. You can also transfer any surplus blind person’s allowance to your husband, wife or civil partner to reduce their tax. Telephone 0845 3021479

  • Care Costs

    If you feel that you require practical support to carry out personal care tasks because of a disability or long–term health condition, then you have the right to be assessed for help from your local authority to see if a care package can be arranged.

    The council will complete a financial assessment looking at whether you have to pay towards the cost of the care package. The package can be adjusted to reflect changes in the help you need.

    You can ask the council to consider direct payments as an alternative to having a care package. This scheme allows you to receive a budget for the care you need so that you can employ your own carers as an alternative to having carers supplied through the council. You must still be assessed by the council as needing care with basic personal care needs and there are restrictions on who you can employ to provide your care.

    Peterborough Council of Voluntary Services (PCVS) offer support in setting up and managing direct payments. Telephone 01733 342683, Email, or Visit

  • Carer's Allowance

    Carer’s Allowance is a payment for carers who spend at least 35 hours per week looking after someone who receives Attendance Allowance, the middle or highest rate of the care component of Disability Living Allowance, or the daily living element of Personal Independence Payment.

    As of April 2021, the weekly amount of Carers Allowance is set at £67.60 per week and can be claimed from the age of 16 as long as the carer is not in full-time education. A wage limit currently set at £128 after tax and deductions for National insurance applies to this benefit.

    Carer’s Allowance can affect both your own benefits and that of the person you are looking after so it is always important to seek independent advice before claiming. People of pension age are strongly advised to seek advice as they could miss out on underlying entitlements.

    Contact our trained and experienced advisors by Telephone 01733 265551, or Email

    The carer can be a family member or friend, as long as they provide 35 hours a week of care and support to the person they look after. The carer does not need to live with the person they care for in order to claim Carer’s Allowance.

    You can claim Carer’s Allowance Online, or Telephone DWP 0800 7310297 for a claim pack.


Debt Advice

  • The Anglian Water Resistance Fund

    The Anglian Water Assistance Fund can assist you if you are struggling to pay your bills. Telephone 0800 169 3630, Email, or Visit

  • Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

    Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is a national debt counselling charity with a network of 72 centres based in local churches. You do NOT need to be a Christian to use this service. After you call CAP, a Debt Advisor and Support Worker from the local CAP Centre will discuss your debts with you. A realistic budget is then worked out by prioritising your essential bills, negotiating affordable payments with each creditor and stopping unfair interest and charges where possible. The local Debt Advisor will then explain the budget and the payments you will need to make.

    If you are in severe debt, then they can advise you on insolvency, like petitioning for bankruptcy.

    Telephone 01733 327026, Email,
    or Visit

  • Stepchange

    Stepchange offers free confidential debt advice and money guidance. They can offer a wide range of debt solutions based on your individual circumstances.

    Telephone 0800 138 1111, or Visit

  • National Debtline

    National Debtline is a national telephone helpline for people with debt problems in England, Wales and Scotland. The service is free, confidential and independent. They are committed to answering your call and then discussing your debt problems with you and the options available to you. The specialist advice that they give over the telephone is backed up with written self-help materials which they can send out to you for free. If your circumstances meet certain criteria, they can assist in setting up a Debt Management Plan for you, at no cost.

    Telephone 0808 808 4000

Charitable Grants

  • Charitable Grants

    There are a large number of national charities, trusts and benevolent societies that give grants and welfare support to individuals in need. The funds these charities manage are discretionary and are intended to complement any support provided by central and local government.

    Many charities request applicants to apply online or to download, complete and submit their application form. Others may simply invite you to apply in writing.

    Whatever the process, your chances of success will be greatly increased if you:

    • Provide a precise list of everything you need
    • Have obtained reasonable quotes from suppliers for the costs of meeting your requirements
    • Are able to clearly describe why you need this equipment and what difference it will make to your daily life and wellbeing
    • Include full details of your financial situation so that it is clear why you are asking for assistance. Including information on anything else you are doing or have done to raise the necessary funds
    • Ensure your application is easy to read and copy
    • Include your full contact details – name, postal address, email address and telephone number(s)
    • Submit it to the right person (at the right time)– if you are unsure of this, call the charity first to obtain the correct contact information

    Some charities require your application to be formally supported by someone who knows you in a professional capacity. This could be, for example, a social worker, GP, occupational therapist, charity worker, senior teacher. Even if this is not an explicit requirement, it may help your application to enlist such helpful support or sponsorship.

    Trustees are also busy people who, generally, give their time voluntarily so they will appreciate you keeping your application short and to the point. If you are posting your application, it is also good practice to include a stamped-addressed envelope.

    Finally, after submitting your application, do not expect an instant answer. Some trusts do not reply to unsuccessful applicants, while others only meet infrequently.

    Visit to search for charities that may be able to help you.

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