Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. One in four people in the UK have a mental health problem at some point in their lives that affects their daily life, relationships or physical health.
Mental health problems can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, gender or social background. Without care and treatment, mental health problems can have a serious effect on the individual and those around them. Every year more than 250,000 people are admitted to psychiatric hospitals and over 6500 people commit suicide.
The Mental Capacity Act came fully into force on 1 October 2007. It aims to protect people who cannot make decisions for themselves due to a learning disability or a mental health condition, for example, Alzheimer’s disease. It provides clear guidelines for carers and professionals about who can take decisions in which situations.
A person’s capacity to make a decision will be established at the time that a decision needs to be made. A lack of capacity could be because of a severe learning disability, dementia, mental health problems, a brain injury, a stroke or unconsciousness due to an anesthetic or a sudden accident.
The Act intends to protect people who lose the capacity to make their own decisions. It will allow the person, while they are still able, to appoint someone (for example a trusted relative or friend):
People with no one to act for them will also be able to leave instructions for their care under the new provisions.
The First Response Service (FRS) puts your mental health first. It provides 24-hour access, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to mental health care, advice and support. If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried about your mental health you can now contact the FRS by dialling 111 and selecting option 2.
The mental health unit was built on the Edith Cavell site in Peterborough, and is part of Greater Peterborough Health Investment Plan (GPHIP). This 100-bed mental health unit offers patients purpose-built accommodation with single en-suite bedrooms. It includes adult acute psychiatric wards, a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, an older people’s mental health unit, and a specialist service for people with learning disabilities.
The accommodation includes restaurant-style dining facilities for patients, staff and visitors, an information centre, fitness and recreational centre, and landscaped gardens. The buildings are in the grounds of the Peterborough City Hospital site. Telephone 01733 776000
The NHS Walk-in Centre offers access to local NHS advice, information, and treatment. They do not replace local GPs or hospital services but compliment them. All services, treatments and consultations are given by qualified NHS nurses without the need for an appointment. As well as offering treatment for minor illnesses and injuries, the Centre liaises closely with mental health assessment teams, and can either help someone with mental health issues/problems or refer them to an appropriate service. All services are offered in person at the centre. The service is available 7 days a week, from 8am–8pm. It is located at the Peterborough Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) at Peterborough City Hospital, Bretton Gate, Peterborough, PE3 9GZ. Telephone 01733 678000.
PALS (patient advice liaison services) is a confidential Trust service that listens to your concerns and queries and helps sort out problems quickly on your behalf. They can also give you information about mental health services and the NHS, including how to make a complaint and where to get support to do this. Telephone 01733 673405
Adults in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough can now sign up to Qwell, a free online support and wellbeing community. You can join Qwell immediately and anonymously through any connected device to gain access to the following support:
Are you feeling very low or anxious and struggling to cope? Or perhaps you are constantly stressed and hardly ever feel good about yourself? If so, the MIND Changing Lives Primary Care Wellbeing Service may be able to help you.
Changing Lives provides two services, both of which involve one-to-one interventions.
Referral forms are available from
You can email your completed referral form to
The MIND Counselling Service provides time-limited, one to one counselling with a trained counsellor from various locations across Cambridgeshire. If you are a resident of Cambridgeshire there is no charge for this service.
The CBT Service provides fully funded, short term therapeutic-based interventions for individuals who are experiencing mild to moderate depression, anxiety or difficult times. This includes up to six sessions of one-to-one low intensity CBT and guided self-help.
The Wellbeing Workers can also refer individuals on to employment support, counselling services or high intensity therapists as appropriate.
CBT is a Department of Health project designed to make evidence-based psychological therapies more accessible to people living with mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorders.
You can self-refer to this service or, alternatively, referrals can be made by your GP, via the local mental health Advice and Referral Centre (ARC), The GP Gateway worker, a CBT worker, or the Richmond Fellowship service.
Peterborough & District Samaritans have trained volunteers who will listen to people who are distressed, in despair, or contemplating suicide, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All calls are charged at the local rate. They will offer a sympathetic, non-judgmental listening ear. The service is mainly by telephone but people are able to visit the branch by arranging an appointment in advance. Telephone (freephone) 116123.
The Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) North Team provides assessment and treatment for children and young people up to the age of 17 living in Peterborough who are experiencing emotional problems, anxiety difficulties, major eating problems, psychosis, or mental health problems with associated behavioral difficulties and support for their families and professionals working with them. Telephone 0300 555 5810, or Visit
Rethink Carer Support provides support for carers of people with mental ill health across the area. This is done through a phone support service, groups in Peterborough and Cambridge, email, and one-to-one support as appropriate.
Rethink act as the carer voice and work with commissioners and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust to improve services wherever possible.
Telephone 0808 801 0525 or 07783 267013, or Visit
CAMEO offer a number of different treatments or interventions for people experiencing some of the symptoms of psychosis and related disorders aged 17 to 35 years. Each person can benefit from different treatment options, so our starting point is a thorough assessment.
The service is for people who are resident in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (including local Schools, Colleges, and Universities) those experiencing some of the symptoms of psychosis and related disorders, and who have not had extensive treatment in the past.
Telephone 01733 318102, or Visit
The Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team are a crisis resolution team (sometimes called home treatment) providing intensive support for people in mental health crisis in their own home, or other suitable alternative such as a crisis house. The crisis resolution team will stay involved until the problem is resolved once a referral has been made by a medical professional. It is designed to provide prompt and effective home treatment, including medication, in order to prevent hospital admissions and give support to carers. Telephone 01733 776029
The Early Intervention in Psychosis Service provides early intervention in psychosis. They assess and care for individuals experiencing psychosis for the first time. They focus on medical control of psychotic symptoms, psychology, and family interventions. Telephone 01733 353250
Voiceability support people with additional needs to understand their options, make decisions and be heard when they face a challenge or issue. This support is for people living in and registered at a GP in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough, who are over 18 (or aged 16-18 and severely or profoundly deaf), and who are using adult care services or mental health services. They can also support carers of someone using these services. If someone is not eligible for statutory advocacy, they may be able to access general advocacy.
The Voiceability services includes access to Independent Mental Health Advocates (IMHAs) who support people with issues relating to their mental health care and treatment. They also help people understand their rights under the Mental Health Act. Advocates can support people who are:
People can refer themselves or ask a professional to make the referral.
Referrals, including self-referrals, for advocacy services can be made by contacting Voiceability. Telephone 0300 303 1660, Email, or Visit
0300 555 5810
0808 801 0525
07783 267013
01733 318102
0300 303 1660
Alcoholics Anonymous is available to people with an addiction to alcohol. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership; they are self-supporting through their own contributions. A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Their primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Telephone 0800 917 7650, Email, or Visit
Beating Eating Disorders (BEAT) is the leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their families. BEAT is the working name of the Eating Disorders Association. Eating disorders are a serious mental illness affecting 1.1 million people in the UK. BEAT provides helplines for adults and young people, online support and a UK-wide network of self-help groups to help people beat their eating disorder. Telephone 0808 801 0677, Email, or Visit
Self Injury Support (formerly known as “Bristol Crisis Service for Women”) offers a wide range of services to women. The support line is for women with long-term mental health needs who need to talk through their experiences and feelings including self-injury and sexual abuse. Telephone 0117 927 9600, Email, or Visit
CALM (Campaign against Living Miserably) targets men between 15 and 35 years, to raise awareness of depression and encourage them to open up about their problems and seek help. Their webchat is available from 5pm-12pm everyday, Visit, or
Telephone 0800 585858
Ex-Services Mental Welfare Society (COMBAT STRESS) helps ex-servicemen/women of all ranks of the three services and the Merchant Navy suffering mental disability due to their service career. Combat Stress provides a range of community, outpatient and residential mental health services to veterans with complex mental health needs. Telephone 0800 138 1619, Email, or Visit
Hearing Voices Network is a support network for people who hear voices. They produce literature and organise meetings and conferences. There are self-help groups throughout the country. Telephone 0845 122 8641, Email, or Visit
The Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies (IPSS) offers a consultation and referral service to people considering psychotherapy. Low cost therapy is available. Telephone 07396 673323, Email, or Visit
Bipolar UK is a national mental health charity dedicated to supporting individuals with the much misunderstood and devastating condition of bipolar, their families and carers. They provide advice, support, specialist literature, and information on local self-help groups. Telephone 0333 323 3880, Email, or Visit
No Panic (National Organisation for Phobias, Anxiety, Neuroses, Information and Care) is a voluntary charity, whose aims are to aid the relief and rehabilitation of those people suffering from panic attacks, phobias, obsessive/compulsive disorders and other related anxiety disorders, including tranquilliser withdrawal, and to provide support to sufferers and their families and/or carers. Telephone 0844 967 4848, Email, or Visit
OCD Action aims to advance awareness, research and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Telephone 020 7253 5272, Email, or Visit
SANE provides emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including families, friends and carers. Telephone 0300 304 7000, Email, or Visit
Young Minds is a national, confidential service for parents and carers who are concerned about the mental health or emotional well-being of a child or young person. If you are a young person experiencing a mental health crisis, you can text the Young Minds Crisis Messenger for free, 24/7 support.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text YM to 85258 free on EE, O2, Three and Vodafone. If you are a parent or carer worried about your child you can Telephone 0808 802 5544 (9:30am – 4pm, Mon – Fri). For more information Visit
0800 917 7650
0808 801 0677
0117 927 9600
0800 585 858
0800 138 1619
0845 122 8641
07396 673323
0333 323 3880
0844 967 4848
020 7253 5272
0300 304 7000